Halle-freaking-lujah! Girl scout cookie season is finally upon us! I pulled up to our local grocer this week and was thrilled to find a group of girlies out front selling all of my preferred flavors (well almost). I bought a box of Peanut Butter Patties for myself and Thin Mints for the hubby! Unfortunately, they were already sold out of our favorite Caramel Delights. Tear.. :( But... I was promised there would be LOTS more to come! Hooray!
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend and go support your local girl scouts!
In this part of the country they call Caramel Delights, Samoas. It is very confusing... Anyway, my boyfriend surprised me with a box of my faves ,Thin Mints, because I hadn't been able to find me a girl scout this year. I've tucked them away safely in the freezer until Lent is over. Why did I give up sweets?!?!?!