If it were solely up to me, I would go all out for Valentine’s Day. I would hop on a plane to Italy, rent a room with a beautiful view and drink copious amounts of Perrier Jouet. If only our bank account would allow for it… oh yeah, and the not so small factor of my husband.
My better half, on the other hand, thinks Valentine’s Day is the best marketing ploy ever conceived. Every year he argues that he prefers to show his love for me on a daily basis and doesn’t need a “stupid fabricated holiday” to do so… I think this is half his true opinion and half his way of telling me to keep my expectations in the zone of reality instead of in a Candyland dream world. And if I’m trying REEEEALLY hard to be fair, I guess I can kind of see his point.
The other half of me; however, wants to scream into his ear with a megaphone, “YOU’RE A ROMANCE COPOUT!” I have to say, while in theory, he makes a good argument, it has pretty much lost all credibility with me… especially considering our past two V-days consisted of 1) an e-card (that year my expectations were way up in the clouds, so you can imagine my disappointment) and 2) a bouquet of brightly colored carnations he bought as an afterthought at Kroger on his way home from work. I think it’s safe to say that Valentine’s Day is not my hub’s finest moment.
Although I would've been thrilled had Mr. Rabbit put in a bit more thought and effort into our past Valentine’s Day celebrations, I have to say both attempts are SOOOO my husband. And, I can’t help but love him for his complete and utter clueless-ness sometimes. It makes me laugh just thinking about how a man can be so pleased with himself upon sending his girlfriend (at the time) an e-card.
Despite his lackluster performance on Valentine’s Day, he can actually be pretty thoughtful on other occasions…. like annual pumpkin carving parties, unexpected trips to NOLA (my fave city in the US) and scavenger hunts on Christmas Day. So this year, instead of lusting over fantasy vacations, I look forward to what he’ll “surprise” me with down here in the realm of reality.
To my lovely Hub: I’m so glad I’ve found someone who not only embraces my silliness but participates whole-heartedly. Love you mucho, Mrs. Rabbit
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