Friday, February 19, 2010

Dating 101: The Boy Does the Asking

When I became single, everyone and their dog suddenly had "the perfect guy" to set me up with. Don't get me wrong, I HEART this! It's so much easier than having to get my own dates. Also, my dating experiences have made for some extremely humorous stories. I thought I'd share one with you today.

One of my dear friends and roomies from college, KEP, wanted to set me up with a friend of hers. We can call him Boy. KEP lives in Austin, but was in town to celebrate a friend's birthday. When I arrived at dinner, I met Boy for the first time. As we sat down, I tried to engage him in playful conversation, but he seemed tongue-tied. I completely understand this and thus didn't hold it against him. When I first meet people, I either overtalk or become mute - I probably implemented the former in this situation. However, as the night progressed, I found him to be a super nice guy, but the chemistry didn't really develop. Consequently, I didn't think I would ever hear from him again.

About a week later, he called and asked to meet up for drinks after work. We went to Benjy's for cocktails and appetizers and had a great time. (plug for benjy's pinnapple champage cocktail...its to die for). This surprised me after our first meeting, but hey - I'm game. For our next date, he took me to dinner at a great new restaurant in The Heights. The conversation flowed, we had many things in common, and he made me laugh. Laughter is key for me. The attraction wasn't amazing, but it was a great date nonetheless. I had no doubt there would be another - he even mentioned "our next date."

I never heard from him....but here's the clencher.

I ran into Boy at a party about a week later and he says, "Hey stranger, where ya been - I never heard from you." As the conversation progressed, I learned he expected me to call him. Direct quote from Boy: "I asked you out twice, I figured it was your turn to ask me." WHAT??? My mama taught me calling boys. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but when dating someone - I want him to do the calling and asking, at least in the beginning. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this way of thinking. Don't get me wrong, texting is fine and I did my (appropriate) fair share to let Boy know I was interested.

Oh, and lest I forget to add, Boy is 31. This is not his first dating rodeo.

Anywho...the conversation at the party escalated into a bit of an argument (very wierd). After this, I felt 100% sure I would not be going out with him again. Honestly, this was fine with me. I had no desire to continue dating after being semi-yelled at by him. A guy who so adamently demands to be asked out is not exactly my cup o' tea. Sidenote: he was wearing acid washed jeans. Welcome to the 21st century! I think we can all agree: acid washed for men is a big fashion "don't."

Let's use our heads, gentlemen. Girls don't ask boys out. Any guy requiring this should re-think his expectations.

Next, please!

1 comment:

  1. You showed interest and he didn't about high maintenance!
